13 mysterious events that no one can explain

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Even relatively recently, people believed that the Earth was flat. That the heavenly dome can fall at any moment… Science is moving forward, and the darkest and most savage theories of the past are refuted by the efforts of scientists. But even today, experts cannot find an explanation for some of the riddles of the universe.

13 mysterious events that no one can explain

Anomaly of the Baltic Sea. Probably, some of you have not even heard of the anomalies in the Baltic Sea and about the strange things that happened there with the Swedish scientists. Scientists could not explain why their satellite phones and electronic tools stopped working when the divers were directly over an unknown object. Oceanologist Steve Weiner came to the conclusion that education resembling a UFO is not entirely geological.

13 mysterious events that no one can explain

Crop Circles. They appear all over the world. There are reports that they were seen in Japan, Russia, America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Bulgaria, France, Spain, Germany, Israel. There were several theories as to what is the source of this phenomenon. For example, winds or magnetic fields that cannot be measured. In the 1990s, two men confessed that they had created circles, since they had nothing to do. But some of them are so great that it seems that even a whole group of loafers cannot do this in one night without dust and noise.

13 mysterious events that no one can explain

A film about Bigfoot. In 1967, director Roger Patterson filmed a guy in a Bigfoot costume. The costume of an anthropoid ape could be bought in any US store. When the film came out on screen, many viewers thought it was a vile fake of the director. After some time, special effects specialist Bill Munn gave an assessment of what he saw: whoever Patterson would shoot, it was not a man in a gorilla costume. The anatomical structure, the proportions of the body and movement were not characteristic for a human.

13 mysterious events that no one can explain

The abduction of Betty and Barney Hills. A social worker Betty and her husband Barney, who worked at the post office, drove home on September 19, 1961, after a vacation in Niagara. Betty saw the bright light of the “falling star” in the sky. Barney stopped the car to take a closer look, and said that he saw humanoids. The next thing the couple remembers is a series of beeps, and the fact that after some time they were 35 miles away from the place where they stopped the car.

13 mysterious events that no one can explain

Disappearance of the colony from Roanoke. In 1587 John White brought to the New World 115 colonists. People settled on the island of Roanoke. White had to return to England for help after the native killed the colonist. When the man returned to Roanoke, he found no one. The inhabitants of Roanoke, among them were the granddaughter of John White and the daughter, seemed to disappear without a trace.

13 mysterious events that no one can explain

Belmes’s faces. In 1971 Maria Gomez Komara noticed a spot on the floor, which eventually grew and suddenly turned into a face. She asked her husband and son to wipe the stain. But soon after that the face appeared again. Scientists came to the house. They unearthed the kitchen. Under it, experts have discovered burials. But after this, as the scientists replaced the floor, the situation escalated: several persons appeared. There is still no explanation as to how the images appeared in the house.

13 mysterious events that no one can explain

Battle of the UFO in Los Angeles. The United States has not yet recovered from the attack on Pearl Harbor. The soldiers were in high alert mode and suddenly started shelling something in the sky… But what? Whatever it was, something was fired from 1500 shells and left unscathed before disappearing. The shooting awoke the whole city. Witnesses reported that they saw a spaceship in the sky.

13 mysterious events that no one can explain

The abduction of Travis Walton. On November 5th, 1975, seven loggers who worked in the Apache Sitgreaves national reserve were returning home through the forest after work. They saw something like a broken plane in thickets. Curious, a man named Mike Rogers, drove deeper into the woods to see what had happened. Comrades Rogers saw a ray of light from a large ship, which simply paralyzed Travis. He was absent for five days. And then he called his family from refueling station. Walton, despite the ridicule of skeptics, insists that he was taken and examined by aliens.

13 mysterious events that no one can explain

Spontaneous combustion of a person. In 1951, 67-year-old Mary Reaser was found dead in her apartment. The courier could not get Mary to open the door and asked his neighbor how to get to the apartment. Nothing in the apartment seemed strange, except that in one corner was a pile of ash and a woman’s foot. Operatives did not find any signs of hacking. The experts who investigated the case said that it is possible to turn a person into a pile of ashes only at a burning temperature of 3000 degrees for several hours. But how can the fire in the apartment burn without touching anything but a woman? The investigation has not progressed further than guesswork.

13 mysterious events that no one can explain

A literary ghost. Literary ghosts are called those who write for someone else. But in the case Patience Worth and Pearl Curran everything was the other way around. Pearl was for Patience as a typewriter. The ghost of Miss Worth appeared in 1913, when Pearl and her friend experimented with a board for spiritualistic sessions. At first Pearl did not get anything, but unexpectedly they received a message saying: “Many years ago I lived and again returned to this world. My name is Patience Worth. Wait! I’ll talk to you! As long as you live, I will live. I will make my bread – your bread. Let’s have fun – the time has come!” Pearl agreed to the fun, which lasted 24 years, during which time Pearl Curran recorded more than three million words for Worth, although there was one nuance: the stories were in the English language of the seventeenth century.

13 mysterious events that no one can explain

The secret of the flight number 19. The Bermuda Triangle is known for absorbing airplanes and ships that fall into it. There were still no reliable explanations of what happened to Flight No. 19, which disappeared on December 5, 1945. Five US bombers flew out of Florida and disappeared into a triangle. Pilots and controllers have made several attempts to return the flight, but in the end, the control room had no idea where the planes were lost.

13 mysterious events that no one can explain

Map of Piri-Reis. It was found in 1929, when the palace in Istanbul was converted into a national museum. This is the only surviving part of the big map of the world. Many say that this is the oldest map with images of North and South America. And allegedly it is a copy of the one that Christopher Columbus used in 1498. The Piri-Reis map is very detailed and precise. Which makes it even more incredible!

13 mysterious events that no one can explain

The secret of the Pass of Dyatlov. In 1959, in the mountains of the Northern Urals, a catastrophe occurred that caused the death of nine Soviet skiers. The facts around their deaths had the stamp “Top Secret”. Young people were students of a ski expedition led by Igor Dyatlov. When they did not return home, their families became worried. The search operation began. The camp of Dyatlova was discovered on 26 February. The tent in which the detachment lived, was torn from the inside, shoes and personal belongings were found there. The bodies of people were found in the vicinity, with almost no clothes on them. Operatives found on the clothes traces of high radiation, and five bodies had an orange “tan”. Tourists who were nearby, reported that they saw strange balls that flew in the immediate vicinity of the campsite Dyatlov.