Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

1 of 25

Figure skating is a sport that requires precision, grace, and a lot of practice. However, even the most skilled skaters can have their moments of mishaps and slips. In this collection of 25 photos, we see some of the funniest and most unexpected moments captured on the ice.

Photo 1

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

Not the best moment for a photo.

Photo 2

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

When she saw something very interesting.

Photo 3

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

“I still don’t see anything!”

Photo 4

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

He looks like he’s bored.

Photo 5

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

He is clearly very pleased with himself.

Photo 6

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

She seems like she’s going to burst.

Photo 7

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

Why take this photo?

Photo 8

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

She looks like she wants to rip his head off.

Photo 9

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

“Hey, why aren’t you holding on?”

Photo 10

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

She has such a funny expression on her face.

Photo 11

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

The landing definitely won’t be soft.

Photo 12

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

She is clearly thrilled with the moment.

Photo 13

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

Who is she making a face at?

Photo 14

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

Looks like nobody is going to catch him.

Photo 15

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

Cool couple.

Photo 16

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

Looks like he bit her.

Photo 17

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

“Fly, my dear, you’re free.”

Photo 18

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

That moment when she loves everything, and he is shocked by what’s happening.

Photo 19

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

A real oops moment.

Photo 20

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

She’s overdoing it a bit.

Photo 21

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

Poor thing got tangled up in his own costume.

Photo 22

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

Not much pleasure to be had here.

Photo 23

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating


She looks like a cartoon character.

Photo 24

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

A funny caught moment.

Photo 25

Awkward Moments in Figure Skating

What is he scared of?