13 most corrupt countries in the world

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Every year, an international organization for the fight against corruption, Transparency International, makes an index of corruption in the public sector in different countries. Corruption is always tried to be hidden, but some facts still emerge, writes fishki.net.

13 most corrupt countries in the world

Mexico – this is the most corrupt country in the OECD. Through Mexico all drugs enter the United States.

13 most corrupt countries in the world

Turkey is the first in terms of corruption in Europe. It scored only 42 points out of a possible 100. For example, in 2013 the entire world was shocked because of scandal involving bribery in the state bank and other state institutions.

13 most corrupt countries in the world

Italy. Corruption in this country is associated with the name Silveo Berlusconi, the former prime minister of the country. He has been repeatedly accused of bribes, and in 2013 he was even found guilty of bribing a senator.

13 most corrupt countries in the world

Greece is gradually reducing the level of corruption, but there are widespread bribes in envelopes, which even have their own name – “fakelaki”.

13 most corrupt countries in the world

Slovakia got 51 point out of 100 and it is one of the most corrupt countries in Europe. In December 2011, there emerged a powerful scandal when most senior politicians and officials were accused in bribery.

13 most corrupt countries in the world

Hungary. There are widespread bribes to health workers and 92% of the population consider it normal. The government also received 51 point out of 100, as well as Slovakia.

13 most corrupt countries in the world

Ireland. The country scored 75 points. Ireland is one of the least corrupt countries in the world, but in 2015 there was released a documentary about how the country’s politics hide their income.

13 most corrupt countries in the world

Japan. According to standards, the level of corruption in Japan is low, but the anti-corruption portal GAN Integrity reports that the country assigns to key positions the retired officials, even if they don’t have work experience.

13 most corrupt countries in the world

South Korea in 2015 was involved in a scandal because of their prime minister. The well-known oligarch, before he died, accused him of bribery. As a result, he resigned.

13 most corrupt countries in the world

Czech Republic last year scored 51 point, and in 2016 – 56. It is clear that the major corruption scandal linked with the bribery of a prime minister, is gradually forgotten.

13 most corrupt countries in the world

Spain. Even before the elections, the opposition accused the prime minister of corruption, but recently a new scandal broke out in Spain. As a result, 24 ruling members of People’s Party were arrested for taking bribes.

13 most corrupt countries in the world

Israel. In May 2015 the former Prime Minister of the country was found guilty of receiving a bribe of 150 thousand dollars from the US tycoon.

13 most corrupt countries in the world

Chile is one of the most corrupt countries, but at the same time it is the least corrupt country in Latin America, compared with Venezuela and Brazil.