Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

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Politicians often find themselves in comic and ridiculous situations. Here are collected the funniest photos of famous politicians and presidents.

Donald Trump

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

The perfect hairstyle.

Joe Biden

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

Too surprised president.

King Charles III

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

Now everything became clear.

Boris Johnson

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

He really is a born tennis player.

Vladimir Zelensky and Emmanuel Macron

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

This is what true friendship looks like.

Barack Obama and John McCain

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

What happened there?

Queen Elizabeth II

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

Her Majesty: “Is that all for me?”

Nicolas Sarkozy

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

Too curious hugs.

Angela Merkel

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

This is a very, very awkward photo.

Justin Trudeau

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

“They do not believe that I caught such a fish!”.

Silvio Berlusconi

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

Male weakness.

Helle Thorning-Schmidt

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

A very awkward moment.

Bill and Hillary Clinton

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

What a happy couple.

Abdurrahman Wahid

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

The perfect time to sleep.

Barack and Michelle Obama

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

This is what real surprise looks like.

George Bush

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

They look like twins.

Silvio Berlusconi

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

It seems that “beauty injections” are already enough for him.

Queen Elizabeth II

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

The author of this photo is a real ace of his work.

Kim Jong-un

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

A very unusual and funny photo of the dictator.

Prince William and Kate Middleton

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

Very funny emotions of the future queen.

Queen Elizabeth II and Barack Obama

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

Obama is very glad that he is not wearing a skirt or a hat.

George Bush

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

He got a little carried away.

Hillary Clinton

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

A real failed photo.

Nicolas Sarkozy

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

Looks like she’s taking his temperature.

Silvio Berlusconi

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

Oh, this Italian emotion.

Angela Merkel

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

They are very synchronous.

Nicolas Sarkozy

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

Not the best pic.

Prince Harry

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

He is still a child himself.

King Charles III and Emir Ado Bayero

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

They are both very confused.

Boris Yeltsin

Funny and Awkward Photos of Famous World Politicians

Timely photo taken.