13 most absurd laws of the United States

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The law serves to protect public rights. However, there are absolutely illogical and absurd laws. We offer you to read about 13 most ridiculous laws of the United States, says fishki.net.

13 most absurd laws of the United States

In Maine homeowners are required to remove Christmas decorations until 14 January.

13 most absurd laws of the United States

In Oklahoma it is prohibited to bite someone’s hamburger.

13 most absurd laws of the United States

In Illinois it is forbidden to fish while riding a giraffe

13 most absurd laws of the United States

In Pennsylvania there is a law that prohibits housewives to hide dirt and dust under the carpet.

13 most absurd laws of the United States

The law in Wyoming forbids to take pictures of rabbits in June.

13 most absurd laws of the United States

In Alaska there is a law that prohibits to wake up a bear when taking a photo. 

13 most absurd laws of the United States

In Florida it is forbidden to take more money for the elephant parking than for car parking.

13 most absurd laws of the United States

According to the law of Iowa the kiss shouldn’t last more than 5 minutes.

13 most absurd laws of the United States

In Ohio it is prohibited to alcoholize fish.

13 most absurd laws of the United States

In Massachusetts people who attend the funeral can’t eat more than three sandwiches.

13 most absurd laws of the United States

In Alabama the law forbids to put elephants in the electric furnace.

13 most absurd laws of the United States

In Texas it isn’t allowed to milk someone’s cow or to paint it.

13 most absurd laws of the United States

In Minnesota the law forbids to cross the state border with a duck on the head.