Trump became the president: response of social networks in caricatures

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As soon as Donald Trump became the US president, the media got political caricatures. The majority of citizens chose Donald Trump’s as a head of state. But people should somehow express anger, confusion and bewilderment about the outcome of the elections.

Trump became the president: response of social networks in caricatures

A look into the future. The former candidate for the US presidency, Mitt Romney, who represented the Republican Party in the last election, said that the victory of Donald Trump at the 2016 elections would have “a bad impact on American families”.

Trump became the president: response of social networks in caricatures

Shock. Donald Trump was a leader in the Republican candidates’ rankings since last year, but many citizens are still shocked by his success. His popularity seemed temporary for most of Americans.

Trump became the president: response of social networks in caricatures

Calls of Trump. Many party leaders have also expressed dissatisfaction with the position of Trump on immigration and trade issues. They are worried about the new president’s appeals to deport 11 million immigrants, to build a wall on the border with Mexico, and make a temporary ban on entry into the country for Muslims.

Trump became the president: response of social networks in caricatures

Recklessness. Earlier 50 well-known Republicans released an open letter calling not to vote for billionaire Trump’s presidential election, as if elected, he would be “the most reckless head of the White House in US history”.

Trump became the president: response of social networks in caricatures

The world is changing. 45th American US head – is a story about the fact that the world is changing faster than people change.

Trump became the president: response of social networks in caricatures

Google Statistics. The interesting thing is that Google has recorded rapid growth of US citizens requests of the words “immigration” and “how to immigrate to Canada”.

Trump became the president: response of social networks in caricatures

From zero to hero. Regarding the presidential race, Trump was “pressing” Clinton as he could. He said: “What can Hillary Clinton boast after four years of work? ISIS has spread around the world!”

Trump became the president: response of social networks in caricatures

Blame Hillary. According to the billionaire, Hillary Clinton’s fault is that “Libya is in ruins, the savages kill American citizens. Iraq is in the chaos.”

Trump became the president: response of social networks in caricatures

Bad Obama. Trump also speaks about former US chapter in not a good sense. As he said, “President Obama will be remembered as the worst president in United States history.”