The terrifying truth about the popular tourist places

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During traveling, people are very rarely willing to thoroughly learn the culture of the countries where they spent holidays. Meanwhile, the majority of the most popular attractions of the world keep secrets, which are able to scare not only travelers but also locals. For example, the central building of the museum in Memphis served as quarantine for plague patients. The website think that knowing this fact many people would refuse to visit that place.u.

The terrifying truth about the popular tourist places


Tourists should not visit bars that invite for free drinks. Most of such bars are under the patronage of the yakuza. The probability to lose a wallet is very high, but the police in such a situation would not even listen to you.

The terrifying truth about the popular tourist places

Casino Las Vegas

You even can not imagine how many people suicide in this gambling city. Many casinos have their special teams, whose task is to quickly and quietly remove the consequences of the tragedy.

The terrifying truth about the popular tourist places


If you are not willing to contemplate the terrible bulls run through the city right among the crowds, then visit of Pamplona is unnecessary. This game is a classic prelude to a bullfight: an average two-three people are killed during the run.

The terrifying truth about the popular tourist places


Louvre is an incredibly beautiful world famous museum. Here, among other treasures, there is the famous Mona Lisa. But how did they get there? Most of these works of art were brought by Napoleon from his predatory raids. France still disputes with some of the countries because of the captured treasures.

The terrifying truth about the popular tourist places


Externally Dubai looks like a toy of a lucky boy from a wealthy family. Few tourists know that this city is built using cheap labor from Asia. Death on construction sites, the use of illegal stimulants: here life is good only for those who have oil.

The terrifying truth about the popular tourist places


This kingdom was recognized as one of the happiest places in the world. However, in the late ’90s, local residents arranged for Nepalis (20% of the indigenous population) a real genocide.

The terrifying truth about the popular tourist places

Eiffel Tower

Very sad, but the world’s most romantic tower also has its downside. Every year, the police have to deal with fifty cases of suicide.