The strangest meals around the world

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Do you like roasted cricket or pork blood? What about the live octopus? The fact that in some countries these dishes are very popular, and there are many people who say that it is very tasty. We invite you to learn about the most incredible dishes.

The strangest meals around the world

1. Sannakji. This dish of live octopus seasoned with sesame oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Octopus is cut into small pieces and served on the table quickly while it is still moving.

The strangest meals around the world

2. Pork blood. In Hungary people very fond of pork blood fried with onions. This dish is eaten for breakfast with fresh bread.

The strangest meals around the world

3. Millennial eggs. This is certainly an exaggeration. Eggs for this dish are stored in a mixture of clay, ash, salt and other ingredients for several months. Just imagine what the smell!них яиц.

The strangest meals around the world

4. Kiviak – a traditional dish of Greenlanders, is prepared as follows: 400 razorbills are placed in the hide of a seal, then there is deflated, bacon is put on top and afterwards hide is placed into the ground for year and a half.

The strangest meals around the world

5. Yin-Yang Fish is also called live-or-dead. This is live fish is fried in the way that on the plate it was still breathing. In Taiwan this fish meal is banned because of cruelty, but in China it is still possible to find this dish.

The strangest meals around the world

6. Fried rattlesnake is a favorite dish among the inhabitants of the western United States. They believe that fried rattlesnake tastes like frog legs.

The strangest meals around the world

7. Chirac from Japanese means “white children”. This is cod sperm sacs or other similar fish. The dish looks like sticky white drops and tastes like the brain.

The strangest meals around the world

8. Jing Lead is a dish that is very popular among Thais. This is an insect, which is used for a quick snack. Jing lead – it is small crickets, seasoned with pepper and soy sauce.

The strangest meals around the world

9. Fugu – this is a dish that can be fatal after inappropriate preparation. In the liver, skin and eggs of this fish there is tetrodotoxin, which is 1,200 times more powerful than cyanide. One such fish can kill more than 30 people.

The strangest meals around the world

10. Fried tarantulas can be tasted in Cambodia. For local people it is a common meal, which is prepared as follows: killed tarantulas rolled in salt and sugar, and then fried in garlic butter to the crunch.