The most famous buildings with the ghosts

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There are many places in the world where the ghosts live. It is hard to believe that in the house could be voices, footsteps and strange shadows if there is no evidence of evil forces. However, there are buildings where it was possible to make images of ghosts. These photographs have been studied by professionals who claim that these are original photos, reports

The most famous buildings with the ghosts

Church Newby, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom.

Before 1963 there was no reason to believe that there were ghosts in the church. This all changed when the Reverend KF Lord took a picture of the altar. On the image he saw the outline of a terrible phantom of 9 feet. Many doubted the authenticity of the photos, but experts came to the conclusion that it’s not the exposure.

The most famous buildings with the ghosts

Myrtle Plantation, Louisiana, USA.

This is one of the most famous haunted houses in the US. It is said that there is a ghost dark-skinned slave girl Chloe on the plantation. It is believed that the owner found Chloe as she listened at the door and cut off her ear. Offended Chloe baked a poisoned cake for the owner that was accidentally eaten by his wife and three daughters. The owner put to death all the slaves.

The most famous buildings with the ghosts

Winchester House, San Jose, California, USA.

In 1884 the house was bought by Sarah Winchester, the daughter of gunsmith Oliver Winchester. After the death of the child, and then of her husband, Sarah went to the medium, who reported that the cause of unhappiness in the family is in the spirits of those who were killed by weapons, created by her husband. So that the ghosts couldn’t get her, Sarah rebuilt the house and made it incredibly confusing and overwhelming.

After the death of Sarah in the mansion there were heard clapping doors, shadows were seen in the mirrors. It is believed the spirits wander through the endless corridors of the house in search of Sarah.

The most famous buildings with the ghosts

Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.

In the past this gloomy place was a sanatorium for people suffering from tuberculosis. It became famous because of the “tunnel of death” – a corridor where the dead bodies were carried so that the neighbors didn’t know about their death. Later, there began to appear the signs of ghosts. It is also home to the ghost of a nurse who, being pregnant, found out that she was ill with tuberculosis and hung up.

The most famous buildings with the ghosts

St David’s Cathedral, Wales, United Kingdom.

In this cathedral there are relics of Saint David – patron of Wales. In 2006, Simon Istopit made a picture with a ghost. It is assumed that the ghost on the photo is St. David with a shield, because according to legend, Saint David fought with the devil on the roof of the cathedral.

The most famous buildings with the ghosts

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland, UK.

This castle is considered to be the record for the number of ghosts living there. Many argue that there live a ghost of the piper who got lost in the maze of the castle; the spirit of the drummer from the army of Oliver Cromwell; the ghost dog, walking down to the local cemetery; the spirits of French prisoners who died from the plague. Many guests of the castle say that they feel bad during the visit.

The most famous buildings with the ghosts

Reynhem Manor Hall, Norfolk, United Kingdom.

This ancestral estate of the Marquis Taunskhendov became famous due to the Brown lady ghost who was the wife of the Marquis Taunskhenda Dorothy. The ghost has been disturbing the guests of the estate from the beginning of the XIX century, and in 1936 the photographer managed to capture the brown lady. This photo is one of the most famous images in the history of ghosts.

The most famous buildings with the ghosts

Queen’s House, Greenwich, London, UK.

This house, decorated with ebony, was the place of imprisonment of Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard (the fifth wife of Henry VIII), Lady Jane Grey, Queen Elizabeth I. Now the ghost lady in gray is still walking on tulip stairs. In 1966, photographer Ralph Hardy was lucky enough to photograph the silhouette, climbing the stairs. Kodak experts confirmed that the picture is authentic.

In addition to the Gray Lady in the Queen’s House you can also find other anomalies: children’s choir singing, ghost of a woman who washes the blood off the floor.

The most famous buildings with the ghosts

Berry Poumroy Castle, Devon, United Kingdom.

For unknown reasons, the visitors of the castle begin to experience depression, fear and anger. Many believe that the reason is hidden in the ghost of the White Lady, who has been repeatedly met in the castle. It is said that this was a soul of Margaret Poumroy that was imprisoned in the tower and died of hunger.

The most famous buildings with the ghosts

Prison Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia.

In the XIX century, Port Arthur was a prison with hard living and working conditions where many prisoners died. Now the building is in a dilapidated condition, no one has been living there for long time. Many people argue that at night here can be heard the steps, the creaking old doors and windows.