Ruthless weapon to control the crowd

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Previously there were used rubber batons and plastic shields to suppress the riots, but modern technologies gave the guardians of law and order sound cannons, lasers, heat rays and attack drones. Someone may say that the use of such weapons is inhuman, but according to no one will dare to rebel.

Ruthless weapon to control the crowd

Active Denial System emits waves similar to the microwave but they are used against people. A kind of “heat ray” effects a person’s skin causing intense pain. Unfortunately, the wedged in the crowd people can get serious damage.

Ruthless weapon to control the crowd

“Skunk” – a mixture of an extremely unpleasant odor. This type of weapon is used in Israel to disperse Palestinian protesters. It is connected to water cannons and exudes ineffable smell of rot and carrion. It is so concentrated that you can not get rid of it for a few days.

Ruthless weapon to control the crowd

Sleeping gas of unknown consistence was applied by special forces during the assault on the Dubrovka Theater Center on 26 October 2002. As a result, not only terrorists but also the hostage were affected. The US government has condemned the use of it and continued to invest in the development of narcotic gas to control the crowd.

Ruthless weapon to control the crowd

A sticky foam was used by the US troops in 1990 during the operation in Somalia. It was assumed that it would hamper the movements of the enemy, but the foam hasn’t proved its use. On the base of this foam there is a development of an effective weapon for stopping vehicles. It is assumed that such weapons will be able to stop the engine and lock the driver inside the cab.

Ruthless weapon to control the crowd

According to the inventors, a laser gun Dazer Lazer blinds people without causing permanent damage to the eyes. The effect of such weapons can last for hours and now lasers are considered to be more secure means of control than the tasers.

Ruthless weapon to control the crowd

The development of biological weapons for the crowd control began in the US in 1950. Then, in San Francisco there was hold the first experiment, showing how well the biological agents can be distributed in the fog. The bacteria from the weapon weren’t harmless enough, but the work on this weapon continued. 239 experiments have been conducted during 20 years. 

Ruthless weapon to control the crowd

Initially LRAD sonic weapon was developed as a device for transmitting sound over long distances. However, these weapons were used to disperse riots. LRAD weapon is considered safe, but it can cause harm. Being under the influence of these weapons a person can begin to experience severe headaches, as well as fully deprive of hearing.

Ruthless weapon to control the crowd

Taser XREP is used when the conventional electric shock isn’t enough. Tasers are used by police forces around the world and are admitted a reliable non-lethal weapons. This type of weapon caused cardiac stops many times, which subsequently led to the death.

Ruthless weapon to control the crowd

Water cannons are used for the crowd suppression all over the world. Over the past decade the technologies have stepped forward, and now the hoses are connected to the sources with indelible ink to mark protesters for further detention. Not long ago, the weapon was used in India and there were suspicions that the paint contained toxic substances.

Ruthless weapon to control the crowd

The spraying of “pepper spray” by drones is a quite obvious step in the evolution of non-lethal weapons. This technology has already been introduced in the police forces of India. Drones, equipped with pepper spray canisters, “pepper gas”, are ready to repel rebellions by spraying the mixture in the air. In the future, they may be armed with more dangerous means.