Places for the poorest members of society

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A trip to the slums became the latest tourist hit. Many tourists wanting to get stronger impressions from the travel prefer to visit the scary slum, instead of historical heritage. is writing about such trips.

Places for the poorest members of society

Dharavi in Mumbai, India. The largest slum of Asia is home to more than 1 million people. They live in an area with the size of London’s Hyde Park. The world learned about this place after the film “Slumdog Millionaire”, which did not show the full picture. This huge settlement of the poor in Mumbai is located on the outskirts of the financial capital of India, near the world of the rich. They are separated just by a wall.

Places for the poorest members of society

Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya. About these slums, which are located almost in the center of the Kenyan capital, has long been known and outside the country. Tour to Kibera is the second, after an African Safari, a major tourist entertainment, which is very famous. They are visited by hundreds of tourists and many celebrities. But such a trip is quite dangerous, because according to statistics Kibera is home to more than 800 thousand people, 20 percent of which are HIV-positive. It is the largest slum in Africa.

Places for the poorest members of society

Manila, Philippines. Experts estimate that more than 20% of the population of Manila lives in slums, and this number is growing up every year. A large part of Manila consists of such areas, and the most terrible of them is the district of Navas, which is situated on the cemetery. There are rot, debris and parts of bodies everywhere.

Places for the poorest members of society

Osaka, Japan. Many of us think of Japan as a modern country, but there is a place that became a shame for local authorities. Kamagasaki is the largest illegal settlement in the land of the rising sun. The poorest residents of Osaka live in this district. No one knows exactly how many of them, because most people live there without registration. This place is not so easy to find, since many years ago its name was removed from maps.

Places for the poorest members of society

Petare in Caracas, Venezuela. Caracas is the most dangerous city in Latin America, and at the same time, there are the biggest slums. The worst situation is in the area of Petare. For many years this was the world of underage murderers and thieves, living in piles of garbage. Now this area is invaded by organized gangs. Dozen residents of Petare die there every day.

Places for the poorest members of society

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the poorest areas of Brazil houses are made of cardboard, plywood, metal and boards. These areas form a dense ring around the cities. It’s found that every second inhabitant of Rio de Janeiro lives there. The inhabitants of these areas usually sell everything, including their bodies.

Places for the poorest members of society

Sultanbeyli in Istanbul, Turkey. The decision of construction of a settlement for Turkish immigrants in the suburbs of Istanbul was taken in the mid-twentieth century. Over time this place has become a huge area for the poor. According to statistics, there are more than 250 thousand people in Sultanbeyli today.