Not popular photos of celebrities

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For your attention here is a selection of photos of celebrities, who were able to show their hidden sides, according to materials from

Not popular photos of celebrities

Ringo Starr with his mother

Not popular photos of celebrities

Legendary rock group Led Zeppelin

Not popular photos of celebrities

Winston Churchill in a bathing suit

Not popular photos of celebrities

Amazing Marilyn Monroe was captured when she was still a brunette

Not popular photos of celebrities

Ozzy Osbourne and his family, early 90s

Not popular photos of celebrities

A unique comedian Jim Carrey with his daughter Jane Carrey, the photo was taken in 1991

Not popular photos of celebrities

Perfect Brigitte Bardot

Not popular photos of celebrities

George Clooney with his sister in the childhood

Not popular photos of celebrities

Johnny Depp and Matthew Perry, 1987

Not popular photos of celebrities

Fidel Castro riding a roller coaster in Moscow 

Not popular photos of celebrities

The members of the world famous group Boney M visited the Red Square in 1978