Natural illusions that look like a miracle

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Mirages and illusions of the world surprise and make us believe in miracles. A close look is able to find such natural mysteries that are not easy to explain. The site invite us to admire the beauty and grandeur of miraculous creations.

Natural illusions that look like a miracle

Asian butterfly “with snakes”. Unusual coloring makes wings of butterflies from South-East Asia look like snakes have stood in an aggressive posture. The wingspan of the largest butterflies in the world can reach 26 cm.

Natural illusions that look like a miracle

Canadian land keeper. Google Earth system found in the relief of the earth’s surface a profile stone stranger – one of the most expressive portraits, which were created by nature. Interestingly, the keeper can only be seen from the aircraft.

Natural illusions that look like a miracle

Well James in Texas. Pond in America with pure spring water is an unusual underground cave filled with water. The diameter of the well is about four meters. According to a legend, those who bathe in this pond, become lucky.

Natural illusions that look like a miracle

Apocalyptic cloud (asperatus). The typical pattern in the sky appears without any hurricane events. The clouds look a little scary, but they are not dangerous. Meteorologists refer undulatus asperatus to a little known phenomenon.

Natural illusions that look like a miracle

Celestial holes. The effect of water vapor may become reasons for a rare natural phenomenon – the phenomenon of holes formed in the cloud masses. 

Natural illusions that look like a miracle

Waterfall of fire Horsteyl. One of the most beautiful waterfalls is formed by streams of water in the form of the animal’s tail. Melting snow and rays of the setting sun turn the waterfall into a lava flow that with insane speed rushes off the cliff into the abyss.

Natural illusions that look like a miracle

Fire phenomenon. Wastes from mining operations, which have bright color, going down the river Rio Tinto in Spain, became a source of optical curiosity. The landscape of the Rio Tinto looks like alien. It is eye-catching and frightening at the same time.

Natural illusions that look like a miracle

Glen Canyon – one of the most beautiful canyons on the planet Earth. But tourists often experience fear, seeing local natural illusion. Really scary!

Natural illusions that look like a miracle

Unique underwater waterfall. The southwest coast of Mauritius is known for the world’s only underground waterfall illusion. The waters of the Indian Ocean, flowing along the sandy sediments, form the effect of underwater jets.

Natural illusions that look like a miracle

Shape of Arizona Mountains. Frozen waves of rocks were formed by wind and rain during millions years. Unique pattern was formed due to uneven weathering of the mountains.

Natural illusions that look like a miracle

River Tree. If you take a picture of the Mexican river from the high altitude, which is crossing the desert in Baja, you can see the amazing tree shapes. Optical illusion is formed by a bizarre game of water mass in shallow water.