Mad rulers that could bankrupt their countries

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People at power are distinguished some special passion for wealth and recognition. Let’s look at “collection” of stupid spending foolish rulers. You will be surprised!

Mad rulers that could bankrupt their countries

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The President of Turkmenistan has repeatedly refused to create his golden statue in Ashgabat, but the monument still appeared in the capital. The statue is covered with gold leaf. The height of this creation is twenty-one meter.

Mad rulers that could bankrupt their countries

Saparmurat Niyazov. Love to gold is for several rulers of Turkmenistan. Saparmurat Niyazov, the former head of state, is proud of 14-metres bronze statue, created in his honor, and covered, of course, with gold.

Mad rulers that could bankrupt their countries

Robert Mugabe. This is a very active president of Zimbabwe. Man loves gifts, bright outfits and monuments in his honor. Despite his age, the President loves a big way to celebrate birthdays.

Mad rulers that could bankrupt their countries

Favorite chair. Here is a favorite throne of Mugabe. This chair is made of marble, gold-plated, decorated with leopard skin and expensive diamonds.

Mad rulers that could bankrupt their countries

Saddam Hussein. Former Iraqi president cared about the environment. He preferred not to travel by car. In 1993, Hussein moved on Baghdad in a golden carriage drawn by two horses threes.

Mad rulers that could bankrupt their countries


Rooms of the former head. In the presidential quarters after the death of Hussein, thousands of gold jewelry was found. He also had a magnificent throne.

Mad rulers that could bankrupt their countries

Jean Bedel Bokassa. This mad ruler of the Central African Republic, fortunately, was in power only a few years. Coronation was chic, but very expensive: a huge throne made of gold, the crown, inlaid with diamonds, fur decorations. There are rumors (in this, however, it is hard to believe) that on the coronation day at the banquet guests tasted meat of political prisoners.

Mad rulers that could bankrupt their countries

Victor Yanukovich. The former head of Ukraine had a strange taste. Instead of a giant throne, he sought to make himself a replica of a favorite product – golden loaf.

Mad rulers that could bankrupt their countries

Ludwig II of Bavaria. He ruled Germany in 1864-1886 years. He was considered to be strange but talented. Due to the passion of the ruler in the country many fine castles were built. Today they are visited by tourists from around the world.