Is there life outside of our planet?

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You can appreciate 10 facts that prove the existence of something inexplicable, is written by

Is there life outside of our planet?

The coastline of Antarctica, shown on the map of the Turkish admiral Piri Reis, conceals many mysteries. The map was created in the XVI century on the basis of Greek Map of Alexander the Great, but Antarctica is shown on it with the precision that can be compared with satellite images.

Is there life outside of our planet?

In 1995 on the Crete island the archaeologists discovered a large fragment of an unknown object made of clay. There was found an image which resembles a modern helicopter. This discovery was taken from the cultural layer 2 thousand years ago.

Is there life outside of our planet?

In England there is a pyramid hidden under the high artificial mound. Mysterious circles of flattened wheat and other drawings appear there regularly. 

Is there life outside of our planet?

The mysterious Nazca plateau for many years has been discovering by scientists around the world. The fact is that no one can find an explanation for the emergence of huge drawings on this mysterious plateau.

Is there life outside of our planet?

Costa Rica is known for the mysterious rock formations that look like a perfect round shape of the ball. These balls have a variety of sizes. It was established that they form a geometric shape.

Is there life outside of our planet?

In Delhi there is a 7 meter pillar of pure iron. The researchers have found that its age is about 1600 years, but there are no erosion traces on it. According to the scientists this pillar is a special sign left on Earth by aliens.

Is there life outside of our planet?

Vestimentifera are one of the most mysterious creatures on the Earth. These two-meter worms live on the seabed at a pressure of 260 atmospheres near the mineral springs emissions saturated with hydrogen sulfide. Scientists say that even if the life on Earth disappears, these creatures will continue to exist.

Is there life outside of our planet?

Hector is the most mysterious bodies in our solar system. It is located in the asteroid ring and changes its luster with the exact frequency at seven o’clock. According to the experts, this frequency is possible for the body that has the shape of a cylinder.

Is there life outside of our planet?

In the north-west of South Africa, during excavations near the village of Taung, in 1924 there was discovered an extraordinary skull. Scientists who have studied the skull suggested that the remains belong to the humanoid of the extraterrestrial origin. It has been found that the age of the skull is approximately 2.5 thousands years.

Is there life outside of our planet?

In 1925 in a career of the brickworks of Odintsovo there was found a stone human brain. This brain has been found in the formation of coal, which was formed at a time when neither man nor mammals in general existed.