Interesting facts about Israel

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For your attention here is a selection of the most interesting and liitle-known facts about Israel, prepared by

Interesting facts about Israel

In 1996 four young Israeli scientists have developed a technology of Instant Messaging – ICQ.

Interesting facts about Israel

There is the grave of Harry Potter on one of the cemeteries in Israel. It belongs to an ordinary 17-year-old British guy, who died in 1939. After the release of books of J. K. Rowling, this tomb was the most visited in Israel, and was included in the list of local attractions.

Interesting facts about Israel

Hoopoe is the national bird of Israel.

Interesting facts about Israel

In this country there is no constitution.

Interesting facts about Israel

All Israeli stamps on the reverse side are smeared with the kosher glue.

Interesting facts about Israel

Israel is considered a world leader in life expectancy – 81.6 years.

Interesting facts about Israel

USB flash drive – is an Israeli invention. The first commercial product was released by the Israeli company M-systems in 2000 and had a size of 1 MB.

Interesting facts about Israel

All Israeli bank notes have Braille language. 

Interesting facts about Israel

If there is Israeli stamp in your passport, you will never be aloud to visit Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Iran, Yemen and Sudan.

Interesting facts about Israel

In 1988, Israel launched its first satellite Ofeq «Ofek-1″ from the Baikonur Palmachim and this country has become one of the eight countries that are able to produce and launch satellites independently.