13 mysterious events that no one can explain

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13 mysterious events that no one can explain

A literary ghost. Literary ghosts are called those who write for someone else. But in the case Patience Worth and Pearl Curran everything was the other way around. Pearl was for Patience as a typewriter. The ghost of Miss Worth appeared in 1913, when Pearl and her friend experimented with a board for spiritualistic sessions. At first Pearl did not get anything, but unexpectedly they received a message saying: “Many years ago I lived and again returned to this world. My name is Patience Worth. Wait! I’ll talk to you! As long as you live, I will live. I will make my bread – your bread. Let’s have fun – the time has come!” Pearl agreed to the fun, which lasted 24 years, during which time Pearl Curran recorded more than three million words for Worth, although there was one nuance: the stories were in the English language of the seventeenth century.