10 unusual things from everyday life in India

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Some inveterate travelers say that it’s impossible not to love India, and if you still do not like it, then you simply do not know it well. We want to tell you some facts from the daily life of this country.

10 unusual things from everyday life in India

A symbiosis of modernity and traditions. These two ingredients are mixed in a special way. Despite the fact that they are in the hands of smartphones, customs are changing here reluctantly and slowly. For example, a typical Indian businessman can devote his day to washing of dishes in gurudvar.

10 unusual things from everyday life in India

Indians are eternal children. As for their nature, they can be offended by the nonsense or instantly burst out laughing. They are emotional and spontaneous, like children.

10 unusual things from everyday life in India

India is a country of contrasts. In fact, the fact that in India there is dirt everywhere is just a myth. India is called a country of contrasts, since the slums here coexist with tall skyscrapers and built near wide roads. Such diverse of human foundations can be seen, for example, in Mumbai.

10 unusual things from everyday life in India

In India, it’s impossible to plan your day. In this country at a most unpredictable moment strange things can happen. Indians are not very obligatory if they make a business deal with them. In addition, the peculiarity of the local mentality is this: not wanting to say “no”, they will prefer to leave an answer or will postpone the meeting 100 times.

10 unusual things from everyday life in India

English is not needed here. If you do not know English, then India is one of the few countries where you will feel comfortable without this skill. Many Indians speak Hindi or Hindish. The last language is a mixture of English and Hindi.

10 unusual things from everyday life in India

Traditional words. In most cases, the word Hotel is used to indicate the place where you can eat. However, most hotels are called a Lodge, but some, especially large ones, also use the Hotel in the name.

10 unusual things from everyday life in India

Trains in India are a kind of entertainment. And it starts even before you buy a ticket. Be careful, because the liars who want to earn will tell you that there are no tickets to take you to a special company, where these tickets are sold more expensive. Trains here may be 5 hours late, and the cars will be crowded (although not as much as in the old photos, where everyone is sitting on the roof).

10 unusual things from everyday life in India

One more myth. Contrary to popular belief, Indians do not do yoga. In this country you can find a lot of yoga studios, but mostly tourists do it.

10 unusual things from everyday life in India

Sacred animal. Cows are free to walk around the street, although they are not in the most central streets. But if you move deeper into the city, you can observe such a situation: the insolent cow sprawled in the middle of the road and blocked all traffic. But nobody touchs this cow.

10 unusual things from everyday life in India

Goa is a unique and authentic place. India, as already mentioned, is a country of contrasts. In addition, it can be called a country of heterogeneity, because there are many tribes, languages, traditions and customs. But on Goa everything is completely different. Here are the most diverse people from all over the world. When it comes to Goa, it seems that it is not India, but a completely different multinational and polycultural country.