10 toxic products, which are very fond of the people

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It is hard to believe that most all your favorite food products contain poison. The excessive consumption of such fruit and vegetables can even lead to death. So we want to introduce you to the most dangerous toxic products, according to topsweet.ru.

10 toxic products, which are very fond of the people

Apples. Apples are not poisonous, but their pips contain lead. In our childhood we were told that pips of apples contained a lot of iodine, so we even need to eat them. But it turned out that it is forbidden to consume apple seeds, as they are not very useful.

10 toxic products, which are very fond of the people

Almond is one of the most nutritious foods in the world. Through almond use body gets a lot of energy. But to get it, you need to choose the right almonds. Bitter almonds are poisonous, because it contains a lot of cyanide. One bitter almond contains 6 mg of cyanide and 100 mg of the substance is capable to kill a person. Therefore, you need to eat only sweet almond.

10 toxic products, which are very fond of the people

Cherry, to everyone’s surprise, also contains cyanide. It has a pleasant taste, so this berry is used in many dishes. Cyanide is mainly contained in cherries pips, so be sure to remove them while cooking.

10 toxic products, which are very fond of the people

Mushrooms are popular worldwide. Often mushrooms add a unique taste of dishes, but some of them can cause poisoning or even death. There are 12 species of fungi in the world, which can be fatal.

10 toxic products, which are very fond of the people

Castor oil is used in many medicines and products. It is made from castor beans, which contains the toxic substance ricin.

10 toxic products, which are very fond of the people

Tomatoes are used worldwide to enhance the flavor of many dishes. But many tomatoes are toxic because of alkaloids. Furthermore, leaves of tomato contains solanine – strongly toxic element.

10 toxic products, which are very fond of the people

Potato is eaten every day in many countries of the world. But not all potato varieties are useful. In addition, the leaves of potatoes are poisonous, and the most toxic to humans is a green potatoes. It also contains solanine, strong poison.

10 toxic products, which are very fond of the people

Rhubarb is a plant that has broad leaves and long base. It grows all over the world and is used in kitchens of many countries. The rhubarb leaves contain many oxalic acid, which may cause a lot of diseases and even death.

10 toxic products, which are very fond of the people

Black elderberry is a flowering plant that grows all over the world in subtropical regions. It is used for making liquor, soda and certain drugs. Some of the elder, in addition to fruits and flowers, are highly toxic, and their use can lead to serious illness.

10 toxic products, which are very fond of the people

Fugue fish – it is very poisonous fish. Its skin and internal organs contain tetrodotoxin – poison, which leads to paralysis and death. Only specially trained chefs in China are preparing this dish. A puffer fish can kill up to 30 people.