10 professional skills that will be needed in 2020

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During the World Economic Forum, held in Davos, there were named the skills that will be in demand by employers in 2020. This list, published by pro.rabota.ru, shows the main trends in the world.

10 professional skills that will be needed in 2020

1. The ability of complex and multi-level problem solving. Imagine that a woman comes to a doctor and complains about the excess weight. One doctor prescribes a diet, and the other understands that the diet won’t help – she needs to change the lifestyle, minimize stresses, do what she likes. This method is called a comprehensive solution of the problem, and such people are in great demand.

10 professional skills that will be needed in 2020

2. Critical thinking. This way of thinking casts doubts on the existing rules. These doubts often hinder a person to move forward. Albert Einstein said – “It’s very simple. All people believe that this is not possible, but there is one brave soul who doesn’t agree”.

10 professional skills that will be needed in 2020

3. Creativity. This is a very good skill, only the most “advanced” people have it. Creativity provides an unusual attitude to everything.

10 professional skills that will be needed in 2020

4. The ability to manage people. People management or the ability to manage people is a serious thing. It should be done wisely and it is necessary not to overdo. To manage people in the modern sense means to create an environment for them, where they can be creative.

10 professional skills that will be needed in 2020

5. Interaction with people. It isn’t necessary to explain.

10 professional skills that will be needed in 2020

6. Emotional intelligence. The essence of the skill is in the ability to manage the emotions and understand the feelings of another person and this skill plays an important role in achieving the success.

10 professional skills that will be needed in 2020

7. Your own opinion. To form an opinion and to make decisions – these are major qualities of a person’s identity. The stronger solutions has a leader – the greater is the responsibility.

10 professional skills that will be needed in 2020

8. Focus on a client. You should speak with the customers the better way it is possible. The client should receive satisfaction from working with you. Only then he/she will come back again.

10 professional skills that will be needed in 2020

9. Ability to negotiate – this is one of the best qualities of a modern man. Today, this ability provides also some other qualities, which have been described above. These are – focus on a client, the ability to manage people and many more. It is important to be polite, even if the transaction isn’t successful.

10 professional skills that will be needed in 2020

10. Cognitive flexibility. In fact, this is an ability to switch between thoughts and think about several things at once.