10 most spectacular technical cemeteries in the world

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In the world there are a large number of landfills, which are brought on a variety of subjects for decades. Since its inception, some landfills have become real cemeteries that are scary to watch. However, in addition to the kind of horrific, these dumps are a threat to the environment, is reported by daypic.ru.

10 most spectacular technical cemeteries in the world

Car Cemetery. A huge graveyard of cars and other vehicles was formed in Takoma.

10 most spectacular technical cemeteries in the world

Cemetery of tanks. In Ukraine, at the sites of the Kharkov tank repair factory, it has accumulated more than 6500 tanks, which turned this place into the present cemetery tanks.

10 most spectacular technical cemeteries in the world

Cemetery of buses. In Muriette, California, there is a real example of wastefulness. This cemetery is simply amazing throwing of still working vehicles.

10 most spectacular technical cemeteries in the world

Stunningly beautiful cemetery of glass. At Fort Bragg, California, you can visit the incredible glass beach, which is actually a huge dump of broken bottles and glasses. Not so long ago this place was a real dump, but local authorities are gradually cleared this place. But they failed to remove all broken glass. Gradually water polished pieces of glass, giving a unique beach.

10 most spectacular technical cemeteries in the world

Wood Cemetery. This landfill is the most common storage of timber. However, a lot of dead trees evoke very gloomy thoughts. It is located in the Swedish Biholme and is considered to be the largest of its kind.

10 most spectacular technical cemeteries in the world

Cemetery of tires. Kuwait has the world’s largest tire dump, which is increasing every year.

10 most spectacular technical cemeteries in the world

Graveyard of ships. In the port of Nouadhibou, Mauritania, you can see a real graveyard of ships, striking by its grandeur.

10 most spectacular technical cemeteries in the world

Cemetery of aircraft. In the state of Arizona, in the territory of Davis-Monthan Air Base in Tucson, there is a huge airplane graveyard. 4200 aircraft occupies the wasteland with the size of 2600 acres. 80% of the equipment is broken down into parts for the US Air Force.

10 most spectacular technical cemeteries in the world

Cemetery of fire engines. Once these machines were involved in saving lives and putting out fires, and now they are just rust in the open air. In this place you can see all decommissioned fire trucks in Los Angeles.

10 most spectacular technical cemeteries in the world

Train Cemetery. More than 8,000 trains are rusting in the desert, located in the southwest of Bolivia.