Most horrible creatures on the planet

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Sometimes among the animals you can meet quite strange creatures that are not worth watching by impressionable people, is written by

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Desert warthog. Phacochoerus aethiopicus is a close relative of normal-boar warthog. They both have rather unpleasant appearance.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Canadian star-nosed mole. This underground resident recalls the stranger from the distant space. Located around the muzzle mini tentacles are covered with extremely sensitive receptors that the mole uses to determine the correct path.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Nasalis. Scientists have given the name of this handsome guy Nasalis larvatus. It’s met only on the island of Borneo, and rarely even there: people have destroyed the usual habitat of these monkeys and now this kind is dying out.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

African eared vulture. Buzzard Torgos tracheliotos species can be found only in Africa. Its bald head is typical for all the vultures: this is due to the way the nutrition of these birds.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Madagascar aye-aye. This lemur (Daubentonia madagascariensis) prefers nocturnal life and eats larvae hidden under the bark. The long middle finger is used by this beauty to extract its exquisite delicacies from shelters.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Pyrenean Desman. The closest relatives of them are considered to be moles and shrews. They have a long nose, which they put in all found holes in the ground. So muskrat hopes to find their own food.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Grimpotevis. This animal was found not so long time ago. These octopuses live in very deep water and incredibly rarely come across people.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Fish toad. Striated toad fish (Antennarius striatus) is recognized as the best expert in the art of camouflage. This unusual creation use tactics of ambushes, alluring to its special prey pheromones.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Frilled shark. Your chance to meet chlamydoselachus is quite low. The thing is that they live at great depths, as if trying to hide from the world. Unusually wide jaw allows the predator to swallow large prey.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

European angler. It was found that the population of sea devils subspecies Linophryne arborifera steadily declining. The fact is that females simply do not want to deal with so ugly partners.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Japanese spider crab. One of the largest representatives of arthropods: large specimens reach 45 cm of carapace and 3 m in the span of the first pair of legs. its appearance is quite scaring.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

The wrinkle-faced bat. People are not so fond of bats, and this kind is the most frightening. These folds on the muzzle help the bat in the echolocation, so it’s easier to catch the prey.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Tarsius. Small animals with huge eyes, and each eye is about 16 mm in diameter, which is larger than their brains.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Dugong. These animals do not have a dorsal fin or hind limbs. For movement, they use the front fins-hands.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Elephant seals. Enough unpleasant animals, but there are only adult males.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Coconut crab. This is the largest land arthropod creature, the kind of which evokes versatile emotions.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Kiwa hirsuta or Yeti lobster. They were first discovered in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean in 2005. It’s not hard to guess that they got their name because of “hair” on elongated mites.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Tortoise mata-mata. It is the only one of its kind. Its name (translated from Spanish) means “I will kill, I will kill.” Its appearance is different from the turtles we are used to.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Oyster toadfish. Its victims it lies in wait on the bottom.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

The Californian condor. Appearance: the color of the skin on its bald head shimmers in a range from bright red to yellowish. Even such a coloring could not make its appearance better.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Fish-dragon. This miracle fish lives deep under water, where even light does not reach.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Chinese Crested Dog. This animal was recognized as the ugliest dog in the world for several years. And you are looking for a pet?

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Sea pig or scotoplanes. It got its name because of the pink skin color. This creature lives on the bottom, extracting food from clay.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Caecillians. These are legless amphibians, are distant relatives of earthworms.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Madagascar aye-aye. Because of the frightening appearance, the locals exterminate them, believing that this animal brings misfortune.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Giant isopods. These creatures live deep in the ocean floor. They are completely blind.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

The naked mole-rat. The blind animal lives underground. The most frightening thing is that it does not feel pain.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

The goblin shark. This creature is known for its strange shape of the head with a nose protruding in the form of a beak and a clumsy jaw. Wonderful appearance.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Blobfish. This species of fish is threatened with complete extinction: it is considered a delicacy in Australia and Tasmania, despite its unattractive appearance.

Most horrible creatures on the planet

Bed bug. This terrible monster can be near us. This is how it looks like through an electron microscope.